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Friday, January 6, 2012

Never Say Never

Never thought I'd be posting on here again. It's been 2 and a half years since my last post but here I am fighting the same uphill battle. When I left last I was pregnant with my 4th child Maylee. She was born in a beautiful homebirth (read here). In the week after her birth I lost all 17 lbs I gained during my pregnancy. Then in the next 2 weeks I put back on those 17 lbs and 15 more to boot! I mean scientifically that's not even possible. If a pound is equivalent to 3500 calories I would have had to eat 100,000 EXTRA calories on top of my normal diet. Obviously there's something more nefarious at work here, right? RIGHT?! (she screams to the heavens).

SO here I am, 3 weeks away from my 30th birthday and 5 weeks away from my 10th anniversary and I'm exactly the same weight I was almost 3 years when I started this journey (225 lbs). No problem, right? I mean I lost 40 lbs last time, I can do it again! That's what I thought when I started trying to lose weigh 4 weeks ago (really wanted to be under 200 for my anniversary). And after 4 weeks of meal replacement shakes, and fresh veggies, and lots of grilled chicken, and exercising morning and night...where am I? I'm at 224.5. That's right I lost half of a pound!!!!


Double Sigh

Deep Breath

I swear I'll never understand my body. I'm not asking for miracles. I'm not asking for a quick fix. I am totally willing to do it the hard way...all I want is for the hard way to work!

So I'm wondering what the next step is. Should I see another doctor? A nutritionist? An acupuncturist? Should I keep chugging along hoping things will change? I took measurements today because my husband swears I'm just gaining muscle and that's why I'm not losing weight. But eventually you have to lose weight, right? I don't want to be a 225 pound muscle woman! (ewwww...bad mental image)

What have you guys done to lose weight? I'm a purist at heart and never wanted to get involved with drugs or pre-packaged food systems or crazy phases of weird diets. But to be perfectly honest I'm feeling a little desperate to see the scale move. Today I'm going to do a salt water flush and clear out my plumbing, I always feel better afterwards and fresh foods always taste better. Weigh-in is on monday. I'll keep you all posted.

PS I tried to find a new "Before" picture to post but looking back through our photo album I found that I had cleverly posed a child in front of me in every single picture. LOL I'll take one this week and post it on Monday.


kelleen said...

*hugs* If you were out here i would hook you up with the best doctor ever (my endo who left the practice to do what he really loves--non-surgical medical weight loss). Wish I had asked what specifically is involved, but can research it if you want. You are the most amzingly driven person I know, and have always been able to kick my butt at the gym. Your perserverance through this all continues to be a great example and motivator to me. Love you!

David said...

You're amazing Baby! Keep it up...especially because I really need an exercise buddy! I love you!!!

Jamie Wilkinson said...

Amy, you're amazing. And I feel your pain. I'll be honest and confess that at the end of September (shortly after turning 29 and realizing my 20s would soon be behind me), I admitted that I was, for the first time in my life, over 200 pounds. It was a horrifying moment and I decided I wanted to take control of my body. So I started eating healthy again and exercising like a fiend (I'm talking two hours of hard cardio three times a week and one hour twice a week). I didn't weigh myself for over a month (it may have been close to two months). I was certain I would be pleasantly surprised when at last I did (I mean, I'd been doing so well), only to be crushed to see that the scale had only moved down three or four measly little pounds. I was so discouraged.

The point of this very lengthy comment is that I have, since that time, lost 22 pounds. It took a long time for me to start losing (at least, it seemed that way to me), but once I did start losing it melted off so fast, and is continuing to do so. I used to be able to lose weight easily once I put my mind to it. No more, it seems. I guess my body is just getting to that age, though I'm loathe to admit it, when it is more and more difficult to do so. Just keep telling yourself that it is more important to be healthy than skinny. As long as you keep trucking along with a good diet and vigorous exercise, you will get there. The hard way is the only way to really lose weight and keep it off...but it is *hard*.

sheesh, I sure did use a lot of parentheses in that comment, didn't I?

flowermom said...

Hey Amy! I miss you girl! I gained about 15-20 pounds in a 2 week period once my thyroid was gone... I joined Curves last week (there was a Groupon). It was only last week so I can just say that I love the workout and the environment.
